BazQux Reader


How to im­port my feeds?
Read our knowl­edge base ar­ti­cle.
Are there any mo­bile apps?

BazQux Reader has won­der­ful, best in class mo­bile web in­ter­face. If you still pre­fer app (or want offline ac­cess) choose app in our apps page.

How do I log in from a third-party client app?
Go to Set­tings (icon in the top right cor­ner) ⇒ Ac­count, and set your user­name and pass­word.
How do I open orig­i­nal ar­ti­cle when there is no sub­ject?
Click on the ar­ti­cle time.
How do I turn off the smooth scrolling?
Set­tings (icon in the top right cor­ner) ⇒ Tran­si­tions ⇒ Im­me­di­ate.
How to un­sub­scribe from a feed?
Se­lect feed and choose Un­sub­scribe in the drop-down menu above the ar­ti­cles list or use right-click menu.
How do I as­sign a feed to a folder?
Se­lect the feed and choose Fold­ers ⇒ Add in the drop-down menu above the ar­ti­cles list. Or use right-click menu or drag and drop.
How long do you keep ar­ti­cles un­read?
Un­read ar­ti­cles are kept for­ever. Al­though there is a limit of 500 to­tal (both read and un­read) ar­ti­cles per feed.
How often feeds are up­dated?
Re­fresh rate de­pends on the time of the last ar­ti­cle in feed: few hours ago—each 15–45 min­utes, less than a week—each 1–2 hours, less than a month—each 2–3 hours and 3+ hours for oth­ers. Feeds that sup­port WebSub are up­dated in re­al­time.
My mo­bile app sud­denly stopped work­ing. What hap­pened?
Per­haps your year sub­scrip­tion has ex­pired. Lo­gin to the web­site to check.
I’ve logged in and see no feeds. How to re­store them?
Per­haps you’ve logged into a wrong ac­count (check the who am I page). Try an­other provider (FB/Google) or log in with user­name and pass­word if you’ve set them up.
Do you sup­port pass­word pro­tected feeds?
Yes, feeds with HTTP ba­sic ac­cess au­then­ti­ca­tion are sup­ported.
How many feeds I can sub­scribe to?
You can sub­scribe or im­port up to 3000 feeds.
How many fil­ters or smart streams I can cre­ate?
You can cre­ate up to 500 fil­ters or smart streams com­bined.
Is there a URL to add sub­scrip­tion?
Yes, use in the RSS Sub­scrip­tion Ex­ten­sion for Chrome, or use SubToMe. Or drag the Sub­scribe book­marklet to your book­marks bar.
Can I ex­port my feeds?
Yes, you can both up­load and down­load an OPML to add or backup your feeds.
How to ex­port starred items?
You could use the API to save starred items in JSON or XML for­mat.
Could you tell more about the im­age proxy?
Yes, read this post in our blog.
Is there a place to vote about new fea­tures?
Yes. Visit our UserVoice.
Who are be­hind the BazQux Reader?
BazQux Reader is a one man project.
Will you add free ac­counts?
No. I need the money to guar­an­tee a con­tin­ued ser­vice. I don’t want to close down like the free read­ers from Google/AOL/Digg done.
What does “BazQux” mean?
Just noth­ing.
How do you pro­nounce “Qux”?
Some­thing like “cooks”. Al­though hack­ers often pro­nounce “qux” as “kwucks”. Didn’t know that when I picked the name ;) Per­haps “quicks” is the best op­tion.
What is the free trial length?
30 days.
You can pay $30 or $50 an­nu­ally, or $249 for a life­time sub­scrip­tion. De­pend­ing on your coun­try tax­a­tion rules you may need to pay VAT/GST above the se­lected price.
What’s the differ­ence be­tween the prices?
There’s no differ­ence. It’s a way to sup­port de­vel­oper more if you like the ser­vice.
How can I pay?
Use a credit card, PayPal or Ap­ple Pay through our au­tho­rized re­seller You can look what pay­ment meth­ods are sup­ported in your coun­try here.
Are re­funds pos­si­ble?
Yes, we have a re­fund pol­icy.
Is it pos­si­ble to delete my ac­count?
Yes, at any time you can delete your ac­count.
Can I post com­ments di­rectly from Reader?
No. Post­ing is not im­ple­mented and is not planned in the near fu­ture.
Is BazQux Reader re­ally writ­ten in Haskell and Ur/Web?
Yes. I love to use the best tools avail­able.
I have an­other ques­tion!
Don’t hes­i­tate to ask by email